
I was standing in the balcony

looking at the colors spread across the sky.

The beautiful sunset

in shades of reds and oranges

don’t let you take your eyes off.

Suddenly a cloud of smoke appeared

from a building nearby

the black soot covered the whole sky.

I stood there

feeling like somebody had splashed

black color over a painting

i had just finished.

11 thoughts on “Black

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      1. Yeah, but the sunset brings lots of noise as well, whereas the tranquillity of silence in the morning has it’s own charm and charisma. The cold winds or the soft breeze, takes one away.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I am more of a night owl actually.So sunset is like the perfect end to the long day and start of some me time.But yeah whenever i get the chance to wake up early,i totally soak in that charm of sunrise. 🙂


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